Tennis Court Repairs are Complete – Australian Open Surface Installed

The Tennis Court repairs are complete and ready for play on Friday, May 17, 2019.  The courts were stripped, all cracks sealed and all “bird baths” – small water collection areas were filled.  The initial coat applied was a California Product – ACRYLIC RESURFACER sand textured
mix to provide a sound layer to cover small indentations and all patch work.  Then two coats of California Product – PLEXIPAVE SURFACING sand textured color mix were applied – Blue in Play area Florida Green on outer Border. The courts were then lined with two coats of California Product ACRYLIC WHITE LINE paint 2” wide. The nets were cleaned and hung according current Tennis rules.

The surface of the Tennis Courts are now the same as the courts used at the Australian Open.  We hope all enjoy using the new courts. Please follow all rules listed at the Tennis Courts so they will remain in good shape for all to enjoy.