Special Assessment was not Approved

A Special Meeting of the River Oaks Owners Associations was held Thursday, February 25, 2016 for the purpose of considering a special assessment to repair and improve the streets of the subdivision.  The special assessment was not approved.  There were 94 NO votes and 58 YES votes.  A total of 165 votes were cast.  Of these, 152 votes were cast by property owners in good standing and 13 votes were ruled invalid because of owners who were not in good standing (they had an outstanding balance with the Association).

At the Annual Meeting that followed the Special Meeting, the owners approved two motions for dealing with the street repair issues, IF and ONLY IF the proposed Special Assessment was not approved.  These motions mandate that the Board of Directors to:

  1. Call a Special Meeting within 90 days for the purpose of voting on dedicating the streets to the parish; and
  1. Call a Special Meeting to seek approval of a special assessment of $200 a year to be dedicated to street repair, if the homeowners choose not to dedicate the streets to the parish as per Item 1.