Email Blast & Notices
From time to time the River Oaks homeowners Association sends out email notices through an email blast system managed by GNO Property Management. Also, the latest news area of the web site also includes some important notices that are posted. Listed below are the important email blast and notices that you may have missed.
Email Blast
Waste Management Subscription Services 1-1-23 to 1-1-28
Traffic Control Project 2.11.20
Traffic Control Implementation Email Blast
Tips to help keep our Community, Homes and Cars
Waste Management – Trash & Recycling (Effective 1/1/23)
Ordinance and Enforcement of Traffic Control in River Oaks 1.16.20
Traffic Control Project 2.11.20
Traffic Control Implementation 11.13.19
River Oaks Street History 2007-2021 (Updated 7.21.21)
Special Assessment of $200 – Passed 8.26.16
Street Dedication Vote to Dedicate – Fails 5.27.16
No Hunting in Conservancy and Common Area Resolution January 24 2012