Deadline For Returning the New Pool Waiver Form extended to May 22, 2017
Homeowners that have existing key cards/fobs will be required to sign a new indemnification waiver. The Board revised our form on advice of Legal Counsel to provide the association with appropriate legal protection.
Deadline for Key card holders to sign a new Waiver has been extended to May 22nd (Monday after the “Meet and Greet at the Pool). The extension is due to the upcoming Pool Party. You can sign your waiver at the Pool Party. You may not be aware but Charlotte is on limited duty after surgery. Call Annette Curren or Bennie Daigle if you need assistance. See their contact information on the web site at Board of Directors Contact Information
Homeowners with an outstanding balance will be locked out (Key card/Fob de-activated) of the pool effective May 8, 2017. It will take 24 hours after a new form is signed and delivered or confirmation of payment is received on an outstanding balance before the key card is re-activated. You can find more details about the 2017 Pool season at:
2017 Pool Season Notice (Updated 4.23.17)